28 Iterator

06:20:15 Create new Spreadsheet object
06:20:15 Set document properties
06:20:15 Add some data
06:20:15 Add comments
06:20:15 Add rich-text string
06:20:15 Merge cells
06:20:15 Protect cells
06:20:15 Set cell number formats
06:20:15 Set column widths
06:20:15 Set fonts
06:20:15 Set alignments
06:20:15 Set thin black border outline around column
06:20:15 Set thick brown border outline around Total
06:20:15 Set fills
06:20:15 Set style for header row using alternative method
06:20:15 Unprotect a cell
06:20:15 Add a hyperlink to an external website
06:20:15 Add a hyperlink to another cell on a different worksheet within the workbook
06:20:15 Add a drawing to the worksheet
06:20:15 Add a drawing to the worksheet
06:20:15 Add a drawing to the worksheet
06:20:15 Play around with inserting and removing rows and columns
06:20:15 Set header/footer
06:20:15 Set page orientation and size
06:20:15 Rename first worksheet
06:20:15 Create a second Worksheet object
06:20:15 Add some data
06:20:15 Set the worksheet tab color
06:20:15 Set alignments
06:20:15 Set column widths
06:20:15 Set fonts
06:20:15 Add a drawing to the worksheet
06:20:15 Set page orientation and size
06:20:15 Rename second worksheet
06:20:15 Write Xlsx format to /tmp/phpspreadsheet/phpspreadsheet-IfAgiZ.xlsx in 0.0161 seconds
06:20:15 Read Xlsx format from /tmp/phpspreadsheet/phpspreadsheet-IfAgiZ.xlsx in 0.0123 seconds
06:20:15 Iterate worksheets
06:20:15 Worksheet - Invoice
06:20:15 Row number - 1
06:20:15 Cell - A1 -
06:20:15 Cell - B1 - Invoice
06:20:15 Cell - C1 -
06:20:15 Cell - D1 - 45647
06:20:15 Cell - E1 - #12566
06:20:15 Row number - 2
06:20:15 Cell - A2 -
06:20:15 Cell - B2 -
06:20:15 Cell - C2 -
06:20:15 Cell - D2 -
06:20:15 Cell - E2 -
06:20:15 Row number - 3
06:20:15 Cell - A3 - Product Id
06:20:15 Cell - B3 - Description
06:20:15 Cell - C3 - Price
06:20:15 Cell - D3 - Amount
06:20:15 Cell - E3 - Total
06:20:15 Row number - 4
06:20:15 Cell - A4 - 1001
06:20:15 Cell - B4 - PHP for dummies
06:20:15 Cell - C4 - 20
06:20:15 Cell - D4 - 1
06:20:15 Cell - E4 - 20
06:20:15 Row number - 5
06:20:15 Cell - A5 - 1012
06:20:15 Cell - B5 - OpenXML for dummies
06:20:15 Cell - C5 - 22
06:20:15 Cell - D5 - 2
06:20:15 Cell - E5 - 44
06:20:15 Row number - 6
06:20:15 Cell - A6 -
06:20:15 Cell - B6 -
06:20:15 Cell - C6 -
06:20:15 Cell - D6 -
06:20:15 Cell - E6 -
06:20:15 Row number - 7
06:20:15 Cell - A7 -
06:20:15 Cell - B7 -
06:20:15 Cell - C7 -
06:20:15 Cell - D7 -
06:20:15 Cell - E7 -
06:20:15 Row number - 8
06:20:15 Cell - A8 -
06:20:15 Cell - B8 -
06:20:15 Cell - C8 -
06:20:15 Cell - D8 -
06:20:15 Cell - E8 -
06:20:15 Row number - 9
06:20:15 Cell - A9 -
06:20:15 Cell - B9 -
06:20:15 Cell - C9 -
06:20:15 Cell - D9 -
06:20:15 Cell - E9 -
06:20:15 Row number - 10
06:20:15 Cell - A10 -
06:20:15 Cell - B10 -
06:20:15 Cell - C10 -
06:20:15 Cell - D10 -
06:20:15 Cell - E10 -
06:20:15 Row number - 11
06:20:15 Cell - A11 -
06:20:15 Cell - B11 -
06:20:15 Cell - C11 -
06:20:15 Cell - D11 - Total excl.:
06:20:15 Cell - E11 - 64
06:20:15 Row number - 12
06:20:15 Cell - A12 -
06:20:15 Cell - B12 -
06:20:15 Cell - C12 -
06:20:15 Cell - D12 - VAT:
06:20:15 Cell - E12 - 13.44
06:20:15 Row number - 13
06:20:15 Cell - A13 -
06:20:15 Cell - B13 -
06:20:15 Cell - C13 -
06:20:15 Cell - D13 - Total incl.:
06:20:15 Cell - E13 - 77.44
06:20:15 Row number - 14
06:20:15 Cell - A14 -
06:20:15 Cell - B14 -
06:20:15 Cell - C14 -
06:20:15 Cell - D14 -
06:20:15 Cell - E14 -
06:20:15 Row number - 15
06:20:15 Cell - A15 -
06:20:15 Cell - B15 -
06:20:15 Cell - C15 -
06:20:15 Cell - D15 -
06:20:15 Cell - E15 -
06:20:15 Row number - 16
06:20:15 Cell - A16 -
06:20:15 Cell - B16 -
06:20:15 Cell - C16 -
06:20:15 Cell - D16 -
06:20:15 Cell - E16 -
06:20:15 Row number - 17
06:20:15 Cell - A17 -
06:20:15 Cell - B17 -
06:20:15 Cell - C17 -
06:20:15 Cell - D17 -
06:20:15 Cell - E17 -
06:20:15 Row number - 18
06:20:15 Cell - A18 - This invoice is payable within thirty days after the end of the month, unless specified otherwise on the invoice.
06:20:15 Cell - B18 -
06:20:15 Cell - C18 -
06:20:15 Cell - D18 -
06:20:15 Cell - E18 -
06:20:15 Row number - 19
06:20:15 Cell - A19 -
06:20:15 Cell - B19 -
06:20:15 Cell - C19 -
06:20:15 Cell - D19 -
06:20:15 Cell - E19 -
06:20:15 Row number - 20
06:20:15 Cell - A20 -
06:20:15 Cell - B20 -
06:20:15 Cell - C20 -
06:20:15 Cell - D20 -
06:20:15 Cell - E20 -
06:20:15 Row number - 21
06:20:15 Cell - A21 -
06:20:15 Cell - B21 -
06:20:15 Cell - C21 -
06:20:15 Cell - D21 -
06:20:15 Cell - E21 -
06:20:15 Row number - 22
06:20:15 Cell - A22 -
06:20:15 Cell - B22 -
06:20:15 Cell - C22 -
06:20:15 Cell - D22 -
06:20:15 Cell - E22 -
06:20:15 Row number - 23
06:20:15 Cell - A23 -
06:20:15 Cell - B23 -
06:20:15 Cell - C23 -
06:20:15 Cell - D23 -
06:20:15 Cell - E23 -
06:20:15 Row number - 24
06:20:15 Cell - A24 -
06:20:15 Cell - B24 -
06:20:15 Cell - C24 -
06:20:15 Cell - D24 -
06:20:15 Cell - E24 -
06:20:15 Row number - 25
06:20:15 Cell - A25 -
06:20:15 Cell - B25 -
06:20:15 Cell - C25 -
06:20:15 Cell - D25 -
06:20:15 Cell - E25 -
06:20:15 Row number - 26
06:20:15 Cell - A26 -
06:20:15 Cell - B26 -
06:20:15 Cell - C26 -
06:20:15 Cell - D26 -
06:20:15 Cell - E26 - www.phpexcel.net
06:20:15 Row number - 27
06:20:15 Cell - A27 -
06:20:15 Cell - B27 -
06:20:15 Cell - C27 -
06:20:15 Cell - D27 -
06:20:15 Cell - E27 - Terms and conditions
06:20:15 Row number - 28
06:20:15 Cell - A28 -
06:20:15 Cell - B28 -
06:20:15 Cell - C28 -
06:20:15 Cell - D28 -
06:20:15 Cell - E28 -
06:20:15 Worksheet - Terms and conditions
06:20:15 Row number - 1
06:20:15 Cell - A1 - Terms and conditions
06:20:15 Cell - B1 -
06:20:15 Row number - 2
06:20:15 Cell - A2 -
06:20:15 Cell - B2 -
06:20:15 Row number - 3
06:20:15 Cell - A3 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus eget ante. Sed cursus nunc semper tortor. Aliquam luctus purus non elit. Fusce vel elit commodo sapien dignissim dignissim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur accumsan magna sed massa. Nullam bibendum quam ac ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin augue. Praesent malesuada justo sed orci. Pellentesque lacus ligula, sodales quis, ultricies a, ultricies vitae, elit. Sed luctus consectetuer dolor. Vivamus vel sem ut nisi sodales accumsan. Nunc et felis. Suspendisse semper viverra odio. Morbi at odio. Integer a orci a purus venenatis molestie. Nam mattis. Praesent rhoncus, nisi vel mattis auctor, neque nisi faucibus sem, non dapibus elit pede ac nisl. Cras turpis.
06:20:15 Cell - B3 -
06:20:15 Row number - 4
06:20:15 Cell - A4 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus eget ante. Sed cursus nunc semper tortor. Aliquam luctus purus non elit. Fusce vel elit commodo sapien dignissim dignissim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur accumsan magna sed massa. Nullam bibendum quam ac ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin augue. Praesent malesuada justo sed orci. Pellentesque lacus ligula, sodales quis, ultricies a, ultricies vitae, elit. Sed luctus consectetuer dolor. Vivamus vel sem ut nisi sodales accumsan. Nunc et felis. Suspendisse semper viverra odio. Morbi at odio. Integer a orci a purus venenatis molestie. Nam mattis. Praesent rhoncus, nisi vel mattis auctor, neque nisi faucibus sem, non dapibus elit pede ac nisl. Cras turpis.
06:20:15 Cell - B4 -
06:20:15 Row number - 5
06:20:15 Cell - A5 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus eget ante. Sed cursus nunc semper tortor. Aliquam luctus purus non elit. Fusce vel elit commodo sapien dignissim dignissim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur accumsan magna sed massa. Nullam bibendum quam ac ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin augue. Praesent malesuada justo sed orci. Pellentesque lacus ligula, sodales quis, ultricies a, ultricies vitae, elit. Sed luctus consectetuer dolor. Vivamus vel sem ut nisi sodales accumsan. Nunc et felis. Suspendisse semper viverra odio. Morbi at odio. Integer a orci a purus venenatis molestie. Nam mattis. Praesent rhoncus, nisi vel mattis auctor, neque nisi faucibus sem, non dapibus elit pede ac nisl. Cras turpis.
06:20:15 Cell - B5 -
06:20:15 Row number - 6
06:20:15 Cell - A6 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus eget ante. Sed cursus nunc semper tortor. Aliquam luctus purus non elit. Fusce vel elit commodo sapien dignissim dignissim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur accumsan magna sed massa. Nullam bibendum quam ac ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin augue. Praesent malesuada justo sed orci. Pellentesque lacus ligula, sodales quis, ultricies a, ultricies vitae, elit. Sed luctus consectetuer dolor. Vivamus vel sem ut nisi sodales accumsan. Nunc et felis. Suspendisse semper viverra odio. Morbi at odio. Integer a orci a purus venenatis molestie. Nam mattis. Praesent rhoncus, nisi vel mattis auctor, neque nisi faucibus sem, non dapibus elit pede ac nisl. Cras turpis.
06:20:15 Cell - B6 -
06:20:15 Row number - 7
06:20:15 Cell - A7 -
06:20:15 Cell - B7 -
06:20:15 Row number - 8
06:20:15 Cell - A8 -
06:20:15 Cell - B8 -
06:20:15 Row number - 9
06:20:15 Cell - A9 -
06:20:15 Cell - B9 -
06:20:15 Row number - 10
06:20:15 Cell - A10 -
06:20:15 Cell - B10 -
06:20:15 Row number - 11
06:20:15 Cell - A11 -
06:20:15 Cell - B11 -
06:20:15 Row number - 12
06:20:15 Cell - A12 -
06:20:15 Cell - B12 -
06:20:15 Row number - 13
06:20:15 Cell - A13 -
06:20:15 Cell - B13 -
06:20:15 Row number - 14
06:20:15 Cell - A14 -
06:20:15 Cell - B14 -