from xml from json
	id      = "open"		// required, will generated automatically if empty
	type    = "button"		// required, item type
	img     = "open.gif"		// optional, icon for enabled item
	imgdis  = "open_dis.gif"	// optional, icon for disabled image
	text    = "Open"		// optional, item text
	title   = "Tooltip here"	// optional, tooltip for item
	enabled = "false"		// optional, disable item
	hidden  = "true"		// optional, hide item
	action  = "function_name"	// optional, function name to exec on click
	// optional, userdata
	<userdata name="p1">value1</userdata>
	<userdata name="p2">value2</userdata>
	id:      "open"			// required, will generated automatically if empty
	type:    "button"		// required, item type
	img:     "open.gif"		// optional, icon for enabled item
	imgdis:  "open_dis.gif"		// optional, icon for disabled image
	text:    "Open"			// optional, item text
	title:   "Tooltip here"		// optional, tooltip for item
	enabled: false			// optional, disable item
	hidden:  true			// optional, hide item
	action:  "function_name"	// optional, function name to exec on click
	userdata: {			// optional, userdata
		p1: "value1"		// userdara, name:value pairs
		p2: "value2"
	// deprecated:
	img_disabled: "open_dis.gif"	// => imgdis:  "open_dis.gif"
	disabled:     true		// => enabled: false
The purpose of this demo is to show you list of available xml and json attributes in action